Friday, January 22, 2016

Paleo pancakes with blueberries and Maple syrup

I enjoy the meal ideas that are Paleo especially when im trying to lower my intake of flour and extra added sugars. These pancakes are awesomely delicious and simple to make just be careful when you flip them as the batter is thinner (weaker) than normal pancake batter that contains flour. Thanks nomnompaleo for sharing this yummy recipes but I added my favorites to the batte. 

These little mini cakes are packed with the natural taste of coconut and banana thats used to bind the ingredients. 

This recipe can make 12 mini pancakes but I made 6
Here's what you'll need to make'em fast and easy them add what you like to put a smile on your family's face.
- cast iron skillet or griddle 
- 2 large eggs
- 3 TBSP of FULL FAT coconut milk 
- 1/2 ripe banana mashed
- 1/2 tsp. apple cider vinegar 
- 1/2 vanilla extract 
- 1 1/2 TBSP Coconut flour 
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 
- 1/4 tsp baking soda 
- pinch of table salt
- 1 TBSP unsweetened shredded coconut toasted
***1/4 tsp. coconut oil (give or take)
- coconut oil for frying
- fresh blueberries for topping
- Maple syrup for drizzling 

Coconut milk can be used in many ways cereal, coffee, smoothies, sauces, etc... I enjoy the flavors of 'A taste of Thai' brand coconut milk, it's rich, flavorful and creamy whenever I find it on sale I stock up. 

After opening the can you'll notice the coconut fat has collected, I find it easier to stir it up in the can then pour it out or if you need the fat only then skim it off the top, but we need the milk to be  'full fat' for this recipe

First, toast the shredded coconut until brown and crispy,, set aside

In a medium sized bowl mix together the wet ingredients: egg, coconut milk, mashed banana, vinegar, vanilla (there will be lumps)

in a small bowl mix together the dry ingredients: flour. salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda 

add enough coconut oil to you skillet or griddle, I used my griddle because my flipping skills are still being developed. Heat the griddle to 275 - 300° ***be careful the
 cake can easily burn so be patient they are well worth the wait. 

take the 1/4 tsp. of coconut oil divided into 3 and drop it randomly into the wet mixture 
now, add the dry mixture into the wet mixture stir well
now crumble the toasted coconut flakes into the batter and stir

Once the grilled is hot, use a TBSP amount for each pancake, * I used approx 1 1/2 TBSP per cake, allow the pancakes to start to bubble up before flipping them, check the underneath to ensure they don't burn...then flip'em

allow them to cook about 2 more minutes or until done remove from heat, then repeat if you have more batter 

☆Now, plate'em

☆Top'em with blueberries 
drizzle with warm maple syrup 


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