Monday, September 7, 2015

Coconut curry fried chicken

These wings are full of curry & coconut flavor, the crust is light and crispy with just a little kick of cayenne.
The week before frying these golden wings, my coworker made some curry tofu. Now, I'm ok with thinking and trying things outside the box but, straight tofu I wasn't to sure about. But, this was her new way of eating and she wanted to share it as I am trying to eat cleaner so I agreed to have some and yes it was good. So, I looked and looked for something different to do with chicken that had to do with curry and came across a few ideas and took from them all and added my own twist, and now these wings are a hit at home.

 1/2 can of full fat coconut milk
8 wings cut at the bone
1 1/2 TBSP of curry powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 TBSP tapioca flour
1 1/2 TBSP corn starch
1 1/2 - 2 TBSP garlic powder
1 beaten egg
1/2 TBSP cayenne pepper
2 tsp paprika
*** and vegetable oil for frying
Add ALL the ingredients into a large zip-lock bag placed in a bowl and allowed to marinate for 2 days ( 4- 24 hours is long enough but the longer the better)
When ready heat enough oil to fry the chicken, I normally test the temperature of the oil by using a wooden toothpick, once bubbles starts to forms once the toothpick is dipped in the oil then I know it ready or near ready. Fry each batch 7 -10 minutes on each side, remove from grease allow to drain on paper towel, serve and ENJOY!!!

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