Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Chocolate Rum Souffles

#Oh_mah_gawd_delicous... that's all I can say right now!
Man oh man I couldn't wait to bake again. Eight days ago I started a 5 day cleanse, it wasn't that hard after the first day but, I almost had to nail my cupboards shut so I wouldn't bake anything. Once I finished the first level of my cleanse I was so ready to bake but my discipline or lack there of for chocolate was too low and besides I had to allow my body to adjust before going all willy-nilly on food. Well, today is my day off and I had to bake something chocolate anything chocolate or I was going to go full out stir crazy. My daughter suggest something light, a simple dish like a 'soufflé' she say. And I remembered my best friend Mike had brought me some black Ramekins a few week ago then I put my plan into motion my day off had just gotten brighter plus my son brought over my grandson Josiah aka JoJo aka 'Bootz'  (he gives the best hugs), now my day off is awesome "Chocolate Rum soufflés and JoJo' can't ask for more than that...well wait a minute the day is still young!
Here's  what I used  
 ~ 4 oz bar Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate (chopped fine)
~ 1 cup Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips (chopped fine)
~ 1 TBSP Vanilla extract
~ 1 TBSP Rum extract
~ 1/4 stick of UNSALTED butter
~ melted butter to butter the ramekins
~1/4 salt
~ 5 TBSP sugar
~ 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
~ 6 egg yokes
~ 6 egg whites
~ a pinch of Cream of Tartar
~ a medium to large chilled metal bowl
~ Powder sugar for dusting
~ 8 - 3/4 cup Ramekins
- Finely chop up the chocolate so that it can melt evenly, then set aside
Now, use some melted butter to butter each cup bottom and sides, then set aside
Now, using a heavy bottom pan (medium to large) combine the unsalted butter, chocolate, milk, sugar, salt, and slowly melt over very low heat stirring to combine as the mixture melts
Now, stir in the vanilla extract and the rum extract, stirring until completely melted and smooth, remove from heat, set aside and allow to cool almost to lukewarm
At this point, preheat oven to 350, sprinkle the buttered ramekins with sugar assuring to get all sides, place the prepared ramekins on a cookie sheet
Whisk the egg yokes into the chocolate mixture one at a time 
Now, using the chilled metal mixing bowl (wipe out all the water or ice buildup inside the bowl before using it) pour the egg whites and pinch of Tartar, with an electric mixer beat the egg whites until soft peaks forms (about 2 - 3 minutes)
Now, fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture in 3 parts 
divide the chocolate mixture into the 8 prepared ramekins  and bake at 350 preheated oven for 15 - 22 minutes (depending on your oven) ***TIP check at the 15 minute point the soufflés should be puffed but still moist in the middle as they will deflate
Once they are done dust with powder sugar and serve 
                                                                                                   adapted from Epicurious  

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