Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lemony Almond Tart

I was in baking mode last night... well the urge started around 7 o'clock lastnight and ended around 3 o'clock today. I went through my "To bake list" and it was on from there. I call my kids up and told them to put their orders in while I'm was in 'bake mode'. One said cheesecake, one ordered chocolate chip cookies, and one said brownies...DONE and DONE!!!

This tart was one of five desserts I baked today, and it loaded with the tangy taste of lemon, surrounded in a buttery nutty crust and yes you can taste each savory flavor. Then, dust it with powder sugar and BAM!!! it is done.  

With this tart you can serve 6 generous slices or 8 regular slices.....BUT, if you were having a more sophisticated gathering I suggest slicing it into 12 slices but I made this lemon tart to say, "Go big or go sit down"!

Here's what you'll need...
First, toast 1/2 cup sliced almonds according to the package then set aside, now get ready items needed for the 'The Crust'
~ 1 cup AP (all purpose) flour
~ 1/2 cup freshly toasted sliced almonds
~ 1/4 cup white sugar
~ 6 TBSP cold butter
~ 1/2 tsp. almond extract
~ 1/4 tsp. salt
***** I used 2 TBSP ice water but, keep the on hand just in case you keep need more.

Now, grate 2TBSP of lemon, it took me 4 lemons so...

Here's what needed for the 'The filling'

~ 3 eggs
~ 3 egg yolks
~ 2 TBSP grated lemon
~ 3/4 cup lemon juice
~ 1 cup sugar
~ 2 TBSP fresh grated lemon peel
~ dash of Salt
~ 6 TBSP cold cubed butter

Using a fluted pan with removable bottom, butter the insuring to butter all the flutes...

Place the AP flour, toasted almonds, butter, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt into a food processor and pulse until blended. Then, add the water 1TBSP at a time until the mixture forms a doughy consistency

preheat the oven to 400°
Dump the dough in the prepared fluted pan
...and press the dough into the bottom and up the side (I pressed my dough over halfway up the sides to have a more thinner look but, the dough can go halfway up to give the tart a more fuller look)...
Do a 'blind bake' on the crust by placing parchment paper over the bottom then adding penines to prevent the crust from bubbling up and leaving air pockets.
Now, bake for 15 - 20 minutes or until crust us brown, remove from over allow to cool on rack and lower the oven temperature to 325°

Now, over medium heat using a small to medium sized saucepan with a heavy bottom use a whisk and blend well the eggs, egg yokes, sugar, lemon juice, lemon peel, and salt...
once the mixture is blended add the butter whisking constantly as the mixture thickens and is able to coat the back of a spoon, remove from heat...
Now, pour mixture in cool crust and bake at 325° for 8 - 12 minutes or until the middle is set, remove from oven allow to cool on rack

**I allowed the tart to cool about hour before putting it in the refrigerator for 4 hours to chill and fully set 

Decorate, photography, and serve


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