Thursday, July 31, 2014

Oven baked ribs & smashed potato salad

These ribs was falling off the bone delicious. I used a coffee & garlic dry rub from Trader's Joe and a simple red potato and bacon salad.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Candied bacon bittersweet chocolate toffee cookies

Really...thats the same thing I said but success comes from thinking outside the box.

Easy grilled #breakfast on my day off

I don't think my cat LouLou realize today is my day off so at 5:30a she started her 'git up and feed me' performance.
When I finally got out of bed at 7 I put the words 'quick + easy + grill' together....and breakfast was formed. 
         ENJOY your day off!!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Breakfast to go...blueberry oatmeal cup

This was very delicious and filling, it has fresh blueberries in the oatmeal, almond milk soaked chia seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, all topped with a dollop of vanilla pudding and cruched cashews almonds and sunflower seeds
1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/4 cup water (more if needed for desired thickness of oatmeal
1/4 cup old fashioned oats
1/8 tsp. cinnamon, nutmeg to taste
1/4 cup of soaked chia seeds (I soaked them in almond milk overnight)
1 TBSP of vanilla pudding (made from the box)
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 medium ripped banana sliced
1 TBSP of a blend of nuts (I keep on hand a crushed blend of cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds, I put it on most of my shakes and breakfast cereal)
1) I cooked the oatmeal according to directions and my taste in the almond milk and water, added the cinnamon and nutmeg allowed to cook, added the blueberries during the last 4-5 minutes 
2) layered the cup
-bottom: chia pudding, sliced bananas
-middle: blueberry oatmeal
-top: chia pudding, formed a circle of banana slices, placed the dollop of vanilla pudding
sprinkle with nuts

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Lemony...Lemon Cream cheese pound cake

My daughter's church had a picnic today so I made this pound cake for her. I adapted the bases of the cake from but I lessened the sugar added some this and added the drizzel.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Brownies of avocado & almond meal

These Paleo inspired Dr. Oz approved brownies are a delicious treat. I added molasses to make these brownies chewy. Even though they have NO butter No traditional oil or white flour these brownies are awesome!   #Paleo #DrOz
*this recipe was adapted but Dr. Oz version with an 'Eat This'! spin.
My family totally enjoyed this brownies I added my spin on the recipe from Dr. Oz, here's what I used:
4 eggs                                                                                    2 smashed avocados
1 cup of sugar                                                                          1/2 cup almond meal
1 cup of semi sweet chocolate chips                                       1 tsp. butter flavor
1/2 cup coca powder                                                                1 TBSP molasses 
1/2 tsp. sea salt
2 tsp. vanilla extract (no alcohol)
1) Using a whisk or electric blender whisk together eggs and sugar until fluffy, set aside
2) melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler or like I did, I used a medium pot of boiling water set the chip in a medium steel bowl, sit the bowl over the boiling water and melted the chip stir constantly until smooth and transferred into a bigger bowl
3) Return to the egg mix, while stirring, slowly add the chocolate to the egg mixture, using the blender or by hand completely mix the chocolate and egg until combined...(DO NOT OVER MIX)
4) now using a spoon add the cocoa powder, almond meal, sea salt, vanilla, butter flavor, and molasses
4) take the smashed avocado, using a electric blending to blend and remove lumps, work until the avocado is smooth, now fold the avocado into the chocolate mixture, spray a 8x8 pan with butter flavor cooking spray (i used a mixture of Ghee and flour to coat my pan bottom and sides) and pour mixture into it, spread mixture evenly and tap the pan several time,
5) place in oven and bake for 30-40 minutes depending on your oven ****at the 30 minutes mark check to see if when poked with a tooth pick and it comes out clean then the brownies are done, if not allow to cook an additional 5-10 minutes, remove and allow to cool...