Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Strawberry poke cake w/fresh whipped cream frosting

I went to the second hand store today and brought 2 spring form pan and 2 cupcakes pan 4 glass jars and a faux plant.
At 11 o'clock last night I had to try out my newly used pans and this is what happened...
  I was so excited to try out the pans I got from the second hand store I started cooking this cake at 11:45pm. YEs...yes, yes, I must admit this is a box cake. I wanted to try my hand at a chocolate drizzle over a white frosting. I used a white box cake and followed the ingredients and instruction per the box.
I buttered and floured the bottom and sides of the 9' and 8' spring form pan, I lined the 9' with parchment paper then buttered the paper as well, and baked them accordingly, allowed them to cool completely in the pan on racks.
Bring 10 strawberries and 1 cup of water to a boil for 5 minutes strain into a bowl smashing as much juice from the berries as possible, season the juice with 1 TBSP of sugar cinnamon to taste and nutmeg to taste let cool 10 minutes, poke whole in cakes using a skewer and pour the strawberry juice mix into the whole place cake in refrigerator.
 2) for the GLAZE: I used about 10 strawberries for the topping, I used:
1/2 cup chopped strawberries in addition to the 10 used for the topping
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1 TBSP cornstarch
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
Put the strawberries in a small to medium sauce pan smash them with a folk add the water bring them to a boil the medium simmer approx. 2-4 minutes remove from heat.
Place a strainer over a bowl, pour the mixture into the strainer, return the juices to the sauce pan. In a small bowl mix the sugar, cornstarch and 1/2 tsp. of warm water, add this mixture to your strawberry juice and stir over medium heat until the mix become thicken mixture but NOT too thick because as it cool it will become thicker. Pour this mixture over the 10 sliced strawberries, set aside
1 cup of Heavy whip cream
1/3 cup of sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
 Using an electric blender, whip the mixture until soft peaks forms or to your desired thickness
assemble the cakes on a serving plate, add more poke juice on top of the first cake, then frosting the first layer with whipped cream, then place the second cake on top and icing according. (POUR AS MUCH OF THE POKE JUICE AS DESIRED)
4 oz. Bittersweet chocolate sliced into skinny slivers
1/2 cup Heavy whip cream
1/4 cup light corn syrup
2 tsp. vanilla
To melt the chocolate I boiled water in a medium sauce pan placed my bowl into the hot water and stirred until completely melted, let cool
5) Put chocolate into a medium bowl, bring the heavy cream to a simmer then pour over chocolate slivers and let sit for 2-3 minutes then stir until combined then add corn syrup and vanilla allow to cool but NOT COLD before drizzling over the cake


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