Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Salted Caramel Brownie Brittle. ...Crackle, Brittle, or Bark I call these Brittle and my grandson Josiah loved them so it's official they're good.

These crunchy, chocolaty, buttery, Brownies also have the name of 'Brownie Crackle' and 'Brownie Bark', all I know is that they are very delicious. These have a little hint of coffee in them that goes well with the chocolate and caramel in the recipe.

I've been on a chocolate cooking spree lately, so when it came to baking these Brownie Crackle I used a box recipe from Justapinch.com as my baseline and added my yummy goodness to the mix like caramel, sea salt, and chunks of chocolate.

Last week while shopping at Walmart restocking my baking cabinet, I noticed they had brownie mix for a $1.00 not the 'off brand' or the store brand, but the name brand so I threw a few bag in my cart not having a exact plan what to do with them but just to have them on hand 'just in case'. 

On the day I made these I really had no clue what to bake all I knew was I needed to bake something. I looked up brownie recipes, cake recipes but I wasn't feeling the vibe then, I searched brownie cookies and a simple recipe came up and with a few add-in my Brownie Crackle was born. 

Here's what I used:

• 2 bags of Betty Crocker fudge brownie mix ***I removed 2oz as the base recipe called for 18oz ***or just purchase a 18oz box mix
• 1/2 TBSP Fogers instant coffee
• 1/3 cup water
• 1/3 cup of vegetable oil 
• 1TBSP butter flavor
• 3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chunks 
• 1 cup Nestle caramel sauce heated in microwave for easy spreading
***I did not use the entire cup of caramel 
• sea salt ***I 'eyeballed' the amount to my desired tasted

Youll need:
Parchment paper
Offset spatula
Wooden spoon **NOT WHISK
Wide cookie sheet pan
***Preheat oven to 325°

- Line cookie sheet with parchment paper to cover the entire bottom of pan, set aside
- In  large mixing bowl combine everything EXCEPT chocolate chunks, sea salt, and caramel, mix until evenly combined then stir in chocolate chunks 

Now, here comes the fun part:
- pour the mixture onto the prepared cookie sheet
- using the outset spatula spread the mixture out thin making sure its evenly spreaded BUT not all the way to the edge of the pan the mixture will spread out a little more as it cooks

- In a microwaveable bowl heat up caramel sauce in short increments so it don't burn, its ready when its very loose when stirred 
- drop a few dollops atound the mixture, using a wooden skewer soread the caramel around into desired pattern
- now, sprinkle the sea salt on top of caramel 
- place pan in oven and bake until crispy and mostly dry 30 - 40mins.

- *** I  checked mines at the 35min mark, remove from oven, and used a pizza cutter to cut into my desired shape
- return to oven, turn oven off leave in oven until completely cool
- remove from oven, drop the pan on countertop lightly to help break apart brittle or use your hands


Friday, January 27, 2017

Parmesan herb Spaghetti squash & meat sauce

I found the cutest Spaghetti squash at the Dollar Store the other day, I  remembered I had some of my homemade meat sauce in the freezer and 'bomb'!!! a lowcarb meal came to mind. Even with the cheese bread this meal won't ruin your lowcarb day.

When shopping I like to shop around for the best prices especially on items I'll be cooking within a weeks time, so most of the time I'll start at the Dollar Store and the Grocery Outlet that sells fresh vegetables. It seems like I'm in there for hours but, I walk out knowing I've checked the expiration dates and examined the produce closely because all deals aren't good deals. 

While shopping at the Dollar Store I found the cutest little spaghetti squash as if it was just for one person and a leftover. Spaghetti squash are really hard to cut, before starting this dish I microwaved the squash for 4mins, its suggested to microwave the squash depending on its size anywhere between 3-6 minutes.

This is a quick and simple meal not too complex, very light and tastey, you'll need:

Preheat oven 375°
》Spaghetti squash 
》1-2 TBSP butter + 1TBSP for the bread
》1/2 cup Parmesan cheese divided + 1TBSP for the bread
》1 clove roasted garlic or 1/2 tsp. garlic powder ***be aware that garlic powder has the tendency to burn quick
》 1/8 tsp dried Basil
》Torpedo roll cut in half or any bread roll
》homemade or canned meat sauce
》olive oil,  sea salt and pepper 

• heat up or cook your homemade meat sauce
• if using a canned meat sauce heat it up and season it to your desired taste

• microwave the squash for 4mins. allow to cool, once able to handle the squash cut it lengthwise, using a spoon remove seeds and membranes. 
• rub the inside of the squash with olive oil and season with salt and pepper 
• on a foil lined baking sheet lay the squash cut side down and cook for 30mins. 

• allow the squash to cool, then using a fork scape out the middle from side to side, if you scape down the middle you'll cut the spaghetti strands in half so find the pattern that allow for longer strands

• In a medium sized skillet over medium high heat add 1-2TBSP butter 1 clove roasted garlic or 1/2 tsp garlic powder,  mash and stir to avoid burning
• add half of the spaghetti Squash and toss to coat
• add the half of the parmesan cheese
• now add the last of the squash and top with the last half of the parmesan cheese
• toss the spaghetti and cheese around in pan, remove from heat, season to taste if needed

• remove spaghetti Squash from the skillet put into another pan to keep warm set aside
• wipe out that same skillet return to medium heat  
• add 1TBSP of butter allow to melt
• add the bread toss to coat, then allow to cook 2 mins cut side up
• sprinkle parmesan cheese on top then Basil, press the cheese down to help stick before turning bread over
• turn bread over allow to cook and press down to help cheese color and stick to bread **DO NOT SMASH THE BREAD

Plate your meal and ENJOY!!!

Korean pancake & spicy soy dipping sauce

I love pancakes just ask my best friend, so when I first tried these pancakes awhile back I just knew I needed the recipe. I thank the chefs at Justonecookbook.com for sharing their incredible version of a savory and delicious pancake and the sauce you're going to needed to double the recipe it is that good. 'Pancakes' they're not just for breakfast anymore.

These pancakes are light, crispy and was enjoyed by my friends I actually had to make another one and doubled the dipping sauce...

***This recipe calls for 'cake flour' but if you don't have cake flour there's a simple way to substitute it like I had to.
*to make 1 cup of the cake flour substitution starts with
• 3/4 cup all purpose flour +
• 2TBSP cornstarch
*sift the two ingredients together then set aside 1/2 cup + 2TBSP to use for the pancake...ok now your ready

Gather all your ingredients and make ready..
for the Pancake filling:
• 1 bunch green onions - about 10
• 1 large egg
• 4 oz medium shrimp, cleaned and deveined *I used 10
• 2TBSP melted coconut oil 

for the Batter:
• 1/2 cup + 2TBSP of cake flour or it's substitute 
• 1/2 tsp.sea salt
• 1/2 cup *COLD water

for the Dipping sauce
**I strongly suggest doubling the sauce
• 1TBSP light soy sauce 
• 1/2 TBSP rice vinegar
• 1 tsp. thinly sliced green onion or chives
• 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
• 1/4 tsp. sesame seeds 
• 1/8 tsp sugar

Start by making the dipping sauce by
• adding all the ingredients in a bowl stir to combine and set aside

**If you're using cake flour substitute sift together
• 3/4 cup AP flour
• 2TBSP cornstarch 
**from that remove 
• 1/2 cup + 2TBSP and set aside


• cut the rooted ends off the green onions, then cut the green onion stalks in half
• beat the egg in a bowl set aside
• in a medium bowl add the cake flour, salt and cold water and mix to combine DO NOT OVER BEAT 

• In a non-stick large skillet over medium high heat add coconut oil once pan is heated
• add green onions and shrimps

• Pour batter over the green onions and shrimp ensuring that the batter get under and in between them that way everything will stick together and hold in place 

• pour the beaten egg over the batter and allow to cook until the edges are brown and the bottom is crispy ***I found it helpful to shift and tilt the skillet to distibute the egg

***when it came to flipping the pancake I  found it easier for me to use a plate
• I sprayed a lager wide plate with cooking spray, placed on top of skillet then it came time to flip the pancake I did then immediately slide it back into the skillet 😉 #yey!!!
• allow to cook 3 -5 mins or until your desired color and crispness 

• slide onto cutting board, cut into pieces and....

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Oopsie Rolls... yumm-mee!! These little treats are delicious, low carb, gluten free, and very versatile. The recipe is simple and can be change to add your own twist it.

Oopsie Rolls can be used as bread for a veggie sandwich, a simple side to breakfast, or just as they are. Oopsie's are Atkins approved as they are low in carbohydrates and gluten-free so have fun with them.

5 ingredients is all I used. The basic recipe was seen on Tasteaholics I added my own variation just to bring somethig different to the table. 
I'm in my 1st week of Atkins, this beginning stage is known as the "atkins Induction stage" or "phase 1" and is proving to be really hard not eating the  dishes I cook or bake. But, I  must say the Atkins recipes and meal planning is doable and tastey.

To get started you'll need...
▪ 3 eggs
▪ 3 oz cream cheese ** at room temperature NOT melted
▪ 1/8 tsp. cream of tartar
▪ 1 tsp. vanilla extract 
***or 1/2 to 1 pk Splenda
▪ a pinch of salt

▪ line a cookie sheet with parchment paper then spray with non-stick cooking spray

**preheat oven to 300°
▪ separate the eggs: put the egg white in a large mixing bowl, put the egg yokes in a medium bowl 
▪ cut the cream cheese into cubes

...now you're ready

▪ using an electric mixer beat the whites until a lot of bubbles forms then add the cream of tartar

▪ beat the egg whites until soft peaks forms *my eletric mixer was on level 4 and 5, set aside.

▪ add the cream cheese to the egg yokes and a nice pinch of salt and beat until well combined, then add the vanilla extract and continue to beat until the batter is smooth without lumps 

▪I add the egg mixture to the large bowl of egg whites and folded the mixture together

**the recipe makes 12 Oopsie rolls but I made 5 intended to make 6. 
▪ scoop batter onto pan flatten down the tops a bit and cook for 30-35 mins.

▪ Once done, remove and allow to cool, serve and...
