Sunday, January 22, 2017

Oopsie Rolls... yumm-mee!! These little treats are delicious, low carb, gluten free, and very versatile. The recipe is simple and can be change to add your own twist it.

Oopsie Rolls can be used as bread for a veggie sandwich, a simple side to breakfast, or just as they are. Oopsie's are Atkins approved as they are low in carbohydrates and gluten-free so have fun with them.

5 ingredients is all I used. The basic recipe was seen on Tasteaholics I added my own variation just to bring somethig different to the table. 
I'm in my 1st week of Atkins, this beginning stage is known as the "atkins Induction stage" or "phase 1" and is proving to be really hard not eating the  dishes I cook or bake. But, I  must say the Atkins recipes and meal planning is doable and tastey.

To get started you'll need...
▪ 3 eggs
▪ 3 oz cream cheese ** at room temperature NOT melted
▪ 1/8 tsp. cream of tartar
▪ 1 tsp. vanilla extract 
***or 1/2 to 1 pk Splenda
▪ a pinch of salt

▪ line a cookie sheet with parchment paper then spray with non-stick cooking spray

**preheat oven to 300°
▪ separate the eggs: put the egg white in a large mixing bowl, put the egg yokes in a medium bowl 
▪ cut the cream cheese into cubes you're ready

▪ using an electric mixer beat the whites until a lot of bubbles forms then add the cream of tartar

▪ beat the egg whites until soft peaks forms *my eletric mixer was on level 4 and 5, set aside.

▪ add the cream cheese to the egg yokes and a nice pinch of salt and beat until well combined, then add the vanilla extract and continue to beat until the batter is smooth without lumps 

▪I add the egg mixture to the large bowl of egg whites and folded the mixture together

**the recipe makes 12 Oopsie rolls but I made 5 intended to make 6. 
▪ scoop batter onto pan flatten down the tops a bit and cook for 30-35 mins.

▪ Once done, remove and allow to cool, serve and...


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