Saturday, May 31, 2014

Paleo's coconut cream, bacon &spinach quiche

I had no idea there was such thing of coconut cream and found it at Walmart. This quiche was quick and easy made of coconut cream, bacon, spinach, onion, I added red & green peppers, since it's just for me I used a 8x8 glass pan greased with bacon drippings, the original recipe called for a 9x13 pan. 
The strawberry cinnamon  blended water is awesome for digestion and the watermelon was just because.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Thee other "Steak & Potatoes"

I made the sweet potato fries staying within the 'paleo' way of cooking so I oven fried them in coconut oil with seasons of garlic,  cayenne pepper,  paprika, & sea salt on parchment paper.  They were season perfect but not crunchy so back to the drawing board for them. 

The steak I rubbed yesterday with a homemade rub then grilled approx 5 minutes each side then rest under a foil tent for 10 minutes topped with Blue cheese. Served wirh a salad of Romaine lettuce, spinach, basil, and tomato dressed with pomegranate Chipotle aslo doubled as dip for my steark.  I paired this with a glass (or rwo) of Pinot Noir.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Late night snacking

Today while waiting in the E.R for my friend I read in a magazine (Good Housekeeping or Womans something? ) that yogurt & fresh fruit wasn't bad as a late snack so its 10 oclock I can't sleep and this is what happened...

1 cup Oikos plain greek yogurt
Handful of blueberries
Handful of pumpkin seeds
....topped with a honey drizzle

Goodnight yawl sleep well*

Black bean burrito bowl & ranch tortilla chips

The following recipe serves 4 but, since I was cooking for one tonight I had to adjust the ingredients. 

3 TBSP fresh lime juice, 2 TBSP EVOO, 1/2 tsp ground cumin, Kosher salt & pepper, 2 cups cooked brown rice, 15oz can black beans drained &rinsed (I heat mines up in the microwave), 1 heart of Romaine lettuce cut into strips, 1 cup fresh cilantro cut roughly, 1 pint grape tomato cut into halves,  1 avocado diced, 1/2 red onion finely chopped w/ lowfat sour cream, tortilla chips, lime and hot sauce.

1) In a small bowl whisk together lime juice,  EVOO, cumin, and 1/2 tsp each salt & pepper
2) divide the rice and beans among serving bowls, top with lettuce,  cilantro,  tomatoes and avocado.
3) sprinkle w/ red onions then drizzle w/ the dressing top w/ sour cream serve w/ the chips, lime and hot sauce
4) serve w/ strawberry kiwi water...ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Drink up

Get your vitamins and antioxidants in a few fresh gulps. Orange & lemon infused water, green tea & fresh ginger, grapefruit & cranberry blend, watermelon water, & warm lemon water to get your metabolism going. Fruits are high in carbohydrates so watch out but at the same time they are naturally sweetened and great fat burners and a great way to encourage drinking water.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A'pretty' good way to start my day

After a 30 minute walk around the block I was ready to eat. I'm not good at eating over easy or sunnyside up eggs (the runny yoke) I like minds scrambled but today I wanted something different.
2 whole eggs plus 1 egg white fried in coconut oil topped with basil, turkey bacon, 7 thin asparagus cooked in water and1/2 TBSP butter served with sauteed sweet peppers, 1 slice of lightly buttered nine grain toast drizzle w/ honey & pepper flakes, 1/4 grapefruit and lemon &orange infused water... ENJOY!!!
Ok I ate all but 1slice of bacon and the grapefruit

Sunday, May 25, 2014


2 cups baby spinach, pepper flakes, 1cup romaine lettuce hearts, 4 oz sauteed chicken tenderloin, 1/2 roma tomato, handful alfalfa sprouts, &1/2 avocado then spray a mist of balsamic tomato vignette...ENJOY

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Cucumber, turkey bacon & Fresca w/sprout sandwiches

Marinade the lengthwise sliced cucumbers in balsamic vinegar&Olive oil about 2 minutes then stack the sandwich starting with the sprouts,  cheese, then bacon.  Create a simple side salad with 3 leafs of romaine lettuce and baby spinach,  1/2 roma tomato, mint & basil drizzle with EVOO. I use a torpedo toll sluced it in four grilled in butter and EVOO then spread pesto ontop once the bread is done.....ENJOY

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fast simple breakfast

4 slices turkey bacon, 2 slice 9 grain toast with butter agave & pepper flakes,  1/2 grapefruit,  2pieces of cold watermelon served with peppermint infused green tea

Sunday, May 18, 2014

80 / 20 meal?

Stir fry green beans & peppers in lobster sauce,  1/2 cup wild brown rice, romaine spinach salad, 2oz tuna, strawberry cinnamon blend water

A "re-fresher" course

Watermelon,  Fresca cheese roma tomato cilantro basil, & rotisserie chicken.