Thursday, July 30, 2015

Three bite Oreo cheesecake mini

...yes that's right 3 bites and its over until you grab the next one. Big pleasure comes in small sizes so be careful and share...

Let me start by saying a big "THANK YOU" to the folks at '' for sharing their delicious recipe for Oreo cheesecake bar.
I was a little bit hesitant on making these because of the pre-warning of "everything must be at room temperature" or now I see it as great advice and the fact that I'm not good at following directions to the 'T', but I did and look what happened...
(the whipped cream topping is not needed trust me, i only added it for that extra added POP)

This recipe is not complicated, very easy and all you'll need other than the ingredients, is to make sure your primary ingredients are at room temperature... Ok, ok
any changes or tweaks will be noted with an *

-Preheat oven at 325°, foil line a 8 by 8 baking pan with enough foil to be folded over the sides to be used to lift the mini bits out when cooled.
-Now, leaving the middle filling inside of 23 Oreo cookies ** I used 22 because I eat one sorry, pulse into a grind using a food processor, then add 2TBSP of melted unsalted butter into the food processor just until combined.

-Now pour the buttery crumbs into the foiled lined pan and press down into an even layer. I used a spoon at first then switched to my icing spatula, once done bake the crust for 10 minutes, remove from oven set aside and leave oven at same temperature.

-this recipe is enough for 12 squares

-12 oz of room temperature cream cheese
-6 TBSP of room temperature sour cream
-6 TBSP white sugar
-1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
                   **I used alcohol free vanilla
-1/4 teaspoon table salt
-1 whole large egg + 1yoke of a large egg
**both at room temperature
-12 whole Oero cookies broken into fine chunk
           **I placed 11cookies (because I ate one)
into a plastic ziplock and used a cup to break into desired chunks


-Now, using the paddle attachment on a standing mixer beat the cream cheese on medium high until smooth for 2 minutes, then pour in sugar and mix just until incorporated (combined).
-Then, blend in vanilla, sour cream, and salt scape down side with rubber spatula
-Now blend in eggs until combined but don't over mix the batter
-Remove mixing bowl from stand, fold in the cookie chunks into batter, don't over mix
-Pour this creamy chunky goodness into the baking pan using a spoon or spatula to smooth batter out evenly, bake on middle rack for 40 minutes at this point the cheesecake edges should be set and the middle should be a little jiggly,
-don't worry, this will set as the cake cools at room temperature for 1hour on a rack
-after an hour cover cheesecake and allow to chill in refrigerator at least 3 hours or overnight **I waited 6 hours
-when ready remove cake from pan using the foil overhang, cut into desired size or 12bite sizes, keep refrigerated until ready to serve, will keep well up to one week in an airtight container


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