Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday morning oven pancake

This is an awesome brunch dish or lunch dish that's meant to serve 4 but, I tell you it's so filling I cut the other quarters in half. I really had fun making this pancake.

No more dilly dallying lets get to it but, before I do its only right to give credit where its due, this recipe is my tweaked version of Land O'Lakes 'Sundown oven pancake'...
now let's begin...
The SHELL ingredients:

~ 1 TBSP butter
~1/2 cup flour (all purpose)
~1/2 cup half &_ half
~ 2 eggs, lightly beaten
~ 1/4 tsp. salt
~ a dash of garlic powder

The TOPPING ingredients:

~ 1TBSP coconut oil (more if needed)
~ 2 cups broccoli florets
~ 1cup red onion, cut @ 1" pcs
~ 1 medium red bellpepper cut @ 1" pcs
~ 1 medium green bellpepper cut @ 1" pcs
~ 1medium Roma tomato cut @ 1" pcs
~ 1/2 tsp. salt
~ 1/2 fresh cracked black pepper
~ garlic powder *to taste
~ 1 1/4 cup pizza blend cheese
~ 1/4 cup mild cheese **a sharp cheese was suggested by my friends


• heat  Oven at 425°, In a 9" pie pan melt the 1 tablespoon of butter in the oven give or take 2 to 3 minutes remove from oven. 

•In a medium bow stir together the flour, milk, eggs, 1/4 tsp. salt, and garlic powder 

• pour this mixture into the pan of melted butter and bake for 12 - 15 minutes or until golden brown remove from oven set aside

•  In a medium skillet melt your coconut oil over medium heat add the bellpepper, red onions, broccoli florets, salt, and garlic powder *to taste and cook for 12 to 15 minutes stirring frequently ***Do not add your tomatoes at this point add them in the last 5 minutes of your cooking time...
• take the shell and spread 3/4 of the pizza cheese and 1/2 of the cheddar cheese on the bottom on the shell
...• top the cheese with the cooked veggies 
• then top the veggies with the remaining cheese (add more if needed)
• return to oven and bake for an additional 5 - 7 minutes or until your desired color, remove from oven let rest *** pie will deflat a bit
• cut into 4 pieces ** I suggest 8 slices and 

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