Saturday, August 15, 2015

Vegan...ish Applesauce cake

^ The recipe for this cake was for a vegan cake, although I'm not vegan I must say this was a easy, no fuss, quick, and tastey cake. This cake is good plain as it is it don't require any frosting or icing just a little dusting on top to help make it "camera ready"

I had no real intentions on making a vegan or vegan style cake I just needed to bake something and I ran across this applesauce cake on '' and it caught my attention because it simply looked pretty. I tweak the recipe to fit with what I had on hand,  although I've never actually taste an applesauce cake before and really didn't know what to expect this one came out really good not too sweet, the spices aren't over powering but  you're able to taste the spices and it'll really go well with a cup of coffee.

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