Monday, November 11, 2013

French toast

I love this dish but I would normally use potato bread because it would thicken with the egg batter. This time for a change I used old French bread. In my usual recipe I’d eyeball the ingredients but I prepared this dish this morning just to get the right measurement in order to share with you? This morning I used:
●6 eggs,
●1 heavy whipping cream, ●½ cup 2% milk (or regular milk)
●1/8 teaspoon nutmeg or to your taste
●1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
●1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
●2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract
● ½ tablespoon brown sugar
● Grand Martier to your taste my taste was 1 capful of the small bottle (this gives it a orangey citrus taste)
●6 (1’ thick) slices of day old French bread

What to do next:

● Heat a lightly oiled griddle to 375° (if using butter adjust heat as needed)
●In a bowl whisk together the eggs thoroughly, whisk in the sugar, milk and cream, vanilla, spices, then the Grand Martier
●Dunk each slice of bread in egg mixture, soaking both sides. Place on griddle once it heated, and cook on both sides until golden. Serve hot with butter and maple syrup

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