Monday, June 30, 2014

Grilled swiss cheese & bacon burger on sourdough

A quick Sunday meal for one. Grilled swiss cheese and peppered bacon burger on sourdough bread with cilantro mayo....and don't forget the onion rings !

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Beef rib tip & potato soup

I cooked dinner for my family today (Saturday) was good to share time gathered around good food and company.

I used 4 beef ribs cut in half
1 tsp. cumin, 2 tsp. garlic powder, ,1 tsp. paprika, 1 tsp. cayenne pepper, 2 tsp. sea salt: combine all the dry ingredients
4 TBSP Worcestershire sauce, 4TBSP peppered infused EVOO

1) place the ribs in a gallon size zip lock or regular plastic bag, pour in the wet ingredients and massage into meat then pour  dry ingredients into bag and massage into meat, secure bag let the meat rest for 1 - 2 hours at room temp (or overnight in refrigerator).
2) Preheat oven at 300F, remove ribs from bag place them in a pan that provides a snug fit (as pictured below) cover completely with foil and cook 2 - 2 1/2 hours or until the meat falls off the bones, then set aside.

***For this dish you want to cook the soup during the last 40 minutes of the ribs cooking or after the ribs are done, this will ensure that you won't be serving over cooked potatoes.
For this hardy dish I used 4 types of rooted vegetables, I washed them, left the skin on and chopped them into chunks. 
2 medium sized Yukon potatoes chopped
1 large parsnip chopped
2 medium sweet potatoes (yams) chopped
2 carrots diagonally chopped
1 onion chopped
7 cloves of garlic
1 can (14 oz.) beef broth
***and butter on hand to brown the vegetables, seeing that butter has salt means the less salt you have to add
3) in a large skillet melt enough butter (EVOO can be used) to brown the vegetables, garlic and onions cook just until tender. Be sure not to over crowd the skillet it helps to divide the rooted vegetable into 2 to 3 frying. Once all the vegetables are browned put them into a 2 quart pot add the beef broth bring to a boil then simmer for 10 minutes season with sea salt to taste then set aside.
4) now that everything is done place enough potatoes and broth into serving soup bowls top with a rib serve with a good dark ale or stout beer and ...ENJOY!!!


Blueberry shortbread bar

This was buttery flakey good!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Toffee peanut butter. ..or peanut butter chocolate chip

Yesterday I woke up needing to bake something easy so with the ingredients I had I made some chocolate chip and toffee peanut butter cookies. But, the only thing I didn't like was the chocolate chips I used tasted old and chalky but my son ate them none the less. So this morning at 6:30am I was up back at'em and use the Baker's semi sweet chocolate bar and chopped it into chunks, the results are yummy chewy ummmhummness cookies.
***in addition I added a blend of mixed crushed nut (almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds) into the mix.
I eyeballed the measurements because I remember my Nanny used to make these cookies without a measuring cup as she use to say, "A sprinkle of this a splash of that and a whole lotta love"
...and these came out great. so in a ball park measure I used
1 cup of creamy peanut butter
approx.1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 egg
2/4 cup brown sugar (1/4 cups 2 x's)
1 1/2 TBSP condense sweet milk
Baker's semi sweet chocolate bar approx, 1/2 cup broken up into chunks
approx 1/2 cup Heath toffee nuggets
Combine peanut butter, baking soda, egg, sugar, condense milk until well combined then divide mix add chocolate chip to one half and toffee to the other half, use a ice cream scooper for larger cookies or a full size melon scooper for smaller size cookies, place on parchment lined cookie sheet and bake @350 for 8-10 minutes. 


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

NO NOODLES Lasagna? ...yes Zucchini lasagna

All you need 
1Lb ground turkey,  4 mediun zucchini ***cut lengthwise into 4-5 slices, 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1- 14 oz can stewed tomatoes undrained ***I used my potato masher to crush them, 5 garlics chopped, 1/2 red oinion chopped ***or you can use 1 whole yellow onion, 1egg, 1/4 cup chopped flat parsely, 2/4 cup regular chopped parsely, 2/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese, *1 extra over ripen tomato chopped a mashed, 1/4 tsp. each oregano and basil plus more to season to taste, 2-4 TSBP of chunky salsa***for added flavor and color.
1) Preheat over @375, then color the zucchini slice in EVOO over med hi to remove some of its water but DON'T over cook them you want them to still have a crunch to them side aside on a paper towel to help draw moisture. 
2) cook turkey meat until done no longer pink drain off fat,  

3) add onions cook until tender then add garlic stir together and vook 4-5 minutes,  then add the stewed tomatoes,  basil and oregano cook this from30-40 minutes over low - mefiun  heat until thicken***after 30 I added my over ripe chopped tomato and 2TBSP of the chunky salsa for more redness and taste.
4) while the sauce is cooking in a small bowl combine the cottage cheese, egg, parmesan cheese, and both parsely, and fresh black pepper. ..mix well
 5) Once the sauce it thicken to your likeness and taste remove 1/3 cup of it and set adide then divide the cheese mixture into 3 portion @1/2 cup each, then sauce into 3 portions ***while in the skillet I eyeballed it into 3 portions, and the zucchini should be 5-6 slices per layer.  Using a 9x13 pyrex or metal pan spread 1/3 of the sauce at the bottom then layer zucchini topped with cheese mixture and repeat when finished you should have 3 layers
6) the top layer is covered with the 1/3 cup of meat sauce plus 2-3 TBSP of salsa mix well and pour over top spinkle with additional parmesan cheese, cover with foil and bake fro 30-40 minutes then remove foil and broil until the lasagna is colored to your likeness

No cheese omelet

My boyfriend don't do cheese well so I made him an omelet without cheese and it turned out pretty great.

The original fruit snack no cellophane required...

I did a 48hour fruit & veggies cleanse starting today because I over indulged over my weekend.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Breakfast for two...or half now and half for lunch?
This omelet has three cheese Parmesan, Harvata, & Swiss with added mushrooms, peppers & fresh basil, garlic powder, salt & pepper. The peppered bacon is to die for and the paleo bread sticks tops it all off then wash it all down with a grapefruit cranberry blend....ENJOY!!!