Tuesday, June 24, 2014

NO NOODLES Lasagna? ...yes Zucchini lasagna

All you need 
1Lb ground turkey,  4 mediun zucchini ***cut lengthwise into 4-5 slices, 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1- 14 oz can stewed tomatoes undrained ***I used my potato masher to crush them, 5 garlics chopped, 1/2 red oinion chopped ***or you can use 1 whole yellow onion, 1egg, 1/4 cup chopped flat parsely, 2/4 cup regular chopped parsely, 2/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese, *1 extra over ripen tomato chopped a mashed, 1/4 tsp. each oregano and basil plus more to season to taste, 2-4 TSBP of chunky salsa***for added flavor and color.
1) Preheat over @375, then color the zucchini slice in EVOO over med hi to remove some of its water but DON'T over cook them you want them to still have a crunch to them side aside on a paper towel to help draw moisture. 
2) cook turkey meat until done no longer pink drain off fat,  

3) add onions cook until tender then add garlic stir together and vook 4-5 minutes,  then add the stewed tomatoes,  basil and oregano cook this from30-40 minutes over low - mefiun  heat until thicken***after 30 I added my over ripe chopped tomato and 2TBSP of the chunky salsa for more redness and taste.
4) while the sauce is cooking in a small bowl combine the cottage cheese, egg, parmesan cheese, and both parsely, and fresh black pepper. ..mix well
 5) Once the sauce it thicken to your likeness and taste remove 1/3 cup of it and set adide then divide the cheese mixture into 3 portion @1/2 cup each, then sauce into 3 portions ***while in the skillet I eyeballed it into 3 portions, and the zucchini should be 5-6 slices per layer.  Using a 9x13 pyrex or metal pan spread 1/3 of the sauce at the bottom then layer zucchini topped with cheese mixture and repeat when finished you should have 3 layers
6) the top layer is covered with the 1/3 cup of meat sauce plus 2-3 TBSP of salsa mix well and pour over top spinkle with additional parmesan cheese, cover with foil and bake fro 30-40 minutes then remove foil and broil until the lasagna is colored to your likeness

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